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The world’s energy demand will peak in 2035 prompting a reshaping of energy investment 2018.12.05
Food safety: ISO 22000:2018 has been published 2018.08.23
Small companies lagging in health and safety workplace management as regulation key driver of invest 2018.07.31
Welding method classification 2014.11.27
Report on the development of wind power the EU out offshore wind power installed capacity by 54% 2013.05.14
Review the amount of shipping vessels, Zhejiang ranked first 2013.05.14
Heavy Gimhae the first one for large vessels to deliver Xinhua 2013.05.14
Saudi Aramco Company: 2010, plans are proceeding with mining 2013.05.14
Taiwan's largest shipyard order promising orders row 2013 2013.05.14
CCS to create Land Classification Society 2013.05.14
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  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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