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Report on the development of wind power the EU out offshore wind power installed capacity by 54%
Time:2013-05-14    Source:    Views:1462

In January 18th, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) announced the "2009 the European offshore wind power development annual report". According to the report, the European Union in 2009, offshore wind power installed capacity growth of 54%, reaching 577000 kilowatts.

The rapid development of offshore wind power

According to the report, in 2009 the EU in wind power generation, especially in the field of offshore wind power development. The European Union in 2009 the new wind farm 8, new offshore wind turbine generator 199. In 2009 the European offshore wind power installed capacity reached 577000 kilowatts, an increase of 54% compared to 2008 373000 kilowatts. In addition, the EWEA is expected in 2010 the EU will also newly built 10 wind farms, the total installed capacity is expected to exceed 1000000 kilowatts.

At present, the European offshore wind farms in the construction of a total of 17 seats, the power plant total installed capacity reached 3500 MW wind farm, which more than half are built in the uk. In addition to the construction of 17 wind farms, the EU has approved the construction of wind farms and 52, the total installed capacity of up to 16000000 kw. There are also a number of wind farm construction plan are discussed. The wind farm will supply power for more than 10% of the European union.

Not only the number increasing, the European Union in the new wind farm scale is more and more big, the average installed capacity of new wind farms in the EU in 2008 62000 kilowatts, while in 2009 it increased to 72000 kw.

EWEA said more investment in wind power development

EWEA CEO Kristen said the affirmation to the EU in 2009 in the field of offshore wind power development, but he also pointed out that, despite rapid growth, but the EU member governments should continue to support the development of offshore wind power. He said: "considering the establishment of large wind farms to be overcome in the financial and technical difficulties, in 2009 we achieved incredible. In order to encourage the development of wind power industry, the government should continue to provide more help from the political framework, attract more investors to enter this field. "

With respect to fiscal revenue, according to EWEA statistics, in 2009, offshore wind power to the EU brought 1500000000 euros income. Considering that in 2010 many EU power companies will expand their business in North America and Asia, EWEA estimates that in 2010 the income is expected to increase to 3000000000 euros. Of course, government support is very important, because the biggest problem facing these projects usually is capital problem. That was the European Commission plans to revive group 6 wind farms inject, will continue to increase the investment, and the European investment bank also said it would invest in wind power.

Recently, the EU 9 countries signed an agreement on ultra high pressure wind power grid, build feasibility in Beihai agreed to, which is regarded as the important breakthrough of the European wind power development. In addition the European investment bank will for a similar between Britain and Norway wind power project investment of 300000000 euros, the project is also optimistic about the outside world.

Kristen think, more and more capital investment, policy makers are well aware of the wind power will become the key to the EU's future energy supply. He said: "as more and more capital investment, the continuous development of wind electric field will bring advanced technology, more jobs and economic recovery in the eu. "

  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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