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Heavy Gimhae the first one for large vessels to deliver Xinhua
Time:2013-05-14    Source:    Views:1830

March 17, from Gimhae Heavy's in the shipping industry for Grand China-based logistics system for the construction of the first ship - the "Peace" 176,000 tons bulk freighter delivered on schedule. In the afternoon, a grand ceremony for the naming of cross-shipping terminal in the company held a #. , H! A 'G% g "X * w

HNA Group Managing Director of the Board of Tan Xiangdong first ceremony, on behalf of HNA Group, the "peace," named after the successful construction and delivery of congratulations to the "Peace", to pay a round of painstaking effort and sweat to build the Gimhae Heavy Industries, the cadre-based shipping industry Staff sent his condolences to the long-term care and support Gimhae Heavy Industries, the all levels of government and the community to express my sincere gratitude. He said that since the financial crisis, Hainan Airlines Group, seize the opportunity to defuse the crisis and achieve a leap-forward development, in 2009 the scale of enterprise assets 1,600 billion, operating income reached 50 billion yuan. Tan Xiangdong Directors wish to Grand China Logistics Group and the Gimhae Heavy Industries take this as an opportunity to further grasp grab the opportunity, worked hard to improve enterprise comprehensive strength, to achieve more ambitious goals. Tan Xiangdong directors also with a Tang poet Zhang Ji's "Midnight Bells" expression of "peace" round beautiful Message.

ABS Classification Society, vice president of the Pacific, said in his speech, Mr. Puulaid with the Grand China cooperation in logistics and Gimhae Heavy happy, I believe that Gimhae Heavy Industries to build more and better in the future can be delivered to the owner of the ship.

2009 is the brilliant performance of Gimhae Heavy Industries, the development of fast year, repeatedly refresh the largest shipbuilding tonnage record of Zhejiang Province, is the only value of the city Chaobaiyi businesses, become a leader in the province's shipbuilding industry. Gimhae Heavy Industries is the progressive realization of the "create a world-class brand, to build a world-class shipping enterprise" this grand goal.

China-based shipping industry is the Gimhae Heavy Industries, one of the three major shipbuilding bases, "peace" round marks the success of the construction and delivery of the three major shipbuilding bases in Gimhae Heavy Industries, have all been equipped shipbuilding capacity.

  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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