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Add: Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China
Tel: 0518-85469892
Fax: 0518-85462168
Email: skyhawk@skyhawk-china.com
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Skyhawk successfully complete the project of buoys inspection
Time:2014-11-19    Source:    Views:2280
Product: Buoy
Location: Qingdao
Duration: 2 years

Work Responsibility:
Welding responsibility:
Track raw material; 
Carried out the daily inspection and monitored the cutting, fit-up and welding; Performed the VT or final visual inspection for the panels of buoys and foundations;
Reviewed the reports of visual and fit-up issued by manufacture; 
Issued daily inspection report to the supervisor.

Coating responsibility:
Review the inspection and testing program of contractors;
Review all the relevant coating specification of the project;
Check the welding defects which may be lead to the coating quality defection;
Execute the inspection to ensure the ambience condition and the metal surface condition are good enough before blasting and painting application;  
Make sure the DFT and quality of primer, intermediate coat, and top coat reaches the project requirement during the block stage & assembly stage & delivery stage.

Applied standard: AWS D 1.1 ,NACE,SSPC

  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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