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Add: Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China
Tel: 0518-85469892
Fax: 0518-85462168
Email: skyhawk@skyhawk-china.com
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Skyhawk successfully complete the project of Pipe & pipeline  anticorrosion
Time:2014-10-16    Source:    Views:2120
Product: Pipe
Location: Yulin, Shanxi & Qinghuangdao & Taicang,Jiangsu
Duration: 6 months& 3months & 3months

On-site Work Responsibility:
Supervise construction subcontractors to carry out painting for piping;
Check subcontractor’s piping painting preparation work, inspecting  their work quality and ensure the work to be done correctly;
Inspect and manage the whole pipe painting technical process;
Verify quality of painting (thickness, surface roughness, color...) to ensure the painting meet the criteria requirement;
Audit painting schedule;
Audit and review project reports and recommend corrective / preventive actions.

Resident Inspection Work Responsibility:
Total Qty of external coated pipes, acceptance and rejection Qty of external coated pipes on each shit; Inspection of Raw materials including type No. Lot No. Manufacturer etc; Steel Surface Preparation: check the ambient temp., Dew point Relative humidity, Preheating temp., pipe surface temp.; Inspection of cleanliness Sa2.5, anchor profile, salt contamination, dust level; Check coating application including pipe preheating temp., pipe travelling speed, FBE primer thickness, and outer layer thickness; Online quality inspection: voltage of holiday detector, coating surface temperature after water quenching, external coating appearance quality, coating thickness measurement; Performance testing of external dual FBE coating including adhesion test, impact resistance test, indentation hardness test, elongation test etc. 

Applied standard:SSPC-PA2,SP1,SP5,SP10,SP11,NACE MR0175,IOS15156/SP2041

  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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