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Add: Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China
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Skyhawk successfully complete the inspection of pipe, flange, brake pad, fitting
Time:2014-10-15    Source:    Views:1711

Skyhawk successfully complete the project of pipe, flange, brake pad, fitting inspection cooperated with international famous Third-party supervision and inspection. Those inspections are related to the standards ASTM and ASME. With inspectors’ professional knowledge and technology, they strictly perform inspection and witness to make sure the products to meet the demand of the client.

Main inspection notification:

General compliance with purchase order terms, conditions and delivery. 

Visual and dimensional check;

Quality Verification;   

Damages or Defects inspection;

Size, Techniques, Materials & Norms;

Markings on the piece and heat number;

·Review material test certificate;

Witness mechanical property test, chemical analysis test, hydrostatic test, and so on.

  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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