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Add: Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China
Tel: 0518-85469892
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Email: skyhawk@skyhawk-china.com
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Your Current Location:Home > Products > Product Sort One > Pipe—3LPE&3LPP Line Pipe
Product Name:Pipe—3LPE&3LPP Line Pipe
Product Detailed:
Project Name: Norgron Development project

Codes and Standards:
Interal coating inspection and testing plan for Norgron Project by Q/BBS;
3LPE External coating inspection and testing plan for Norgron Project;
3LPP External coating inspection and testing plan for Norgron Project;

Inspection Activities:

- Online inspection of external blast-cleaning process and 3LPE coating application;
- Monitor the external 3LPE coating application and carried out the online inspection in accordance with
  client-approved ITP and MPS;
- Witness the quality tests for external 3LPE coating and internal flow coating, and confirm the tests carried
  out in accordance with relevant technical specification for SAWH line pipe Ø1219mmx5.01mm;
- Check the marking of pipe dimensional expression on the coating surface;
- Make sure the external surface of incoming bare pipe was free from oil/grease;
- The external blasting process was functioning at acceptable ambient conditions;
- Inspect the blast-cleaned surface including cleanliness, anchor profile, salt contamination and dust level;
- Ensure 3LPE coating materials were applied as per material manufacturers’ recommendations;
- At the start of 3LPE coating, measure each layer coating thickness to ensure it within the specified limit;
- Make sure the finished 3LPE coating was smooth and uniform in color and gloss, free from blisters,
  pinholes, scratch and/or any irregularities;
- The cutback area was processed in compliance with ITP requirements;
- Low stress steel mark was made within the cutback area after the 3LPE coating;
- Witness inspection of quality tests for external and internal coating;
- Visual inspection of 3LPE coating;
- Submit inspection report;
  Add:Room 605, Zhongde International Commercial Building, No.9, Jiefang Rd., Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province of China  Tel:0518-85469892    
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